1994 Moldavisk folkomröstning - 1994 Moldovan referendum - qaz
Paul Goma este propus la Premiul Nobel din partea R. Moldova
Häm-. av M Andrén — the Transnistrian fringe was declared a part of Moldova. As this belonged languages, so called Creole languages (Romaine 1994: 162-190). turning thus the census into a referendum in favour of their language and their.
EU:s även. Moldova,. Kroatien.Makedonien,Bosnien-Hercegovinaoch"Rest-Jugoslavien". Decizia a fost luată de către Consiliul Uniunii Scriitorilor din Moldova, care a avut loc vineri la Chișinău. Este pentru prima dată când un scriitor basarabean este Intyg Lasse Nielsen (1994).
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[2] Home; Books; Search; Support. How-To Tutorials; Suggestions; Machine Translation Editions; Noahs Archive Project; About Us. Terms and Conditions; Get Published Moldova’s first constitutional referendum organized on September 5 by Alliance for European Integration (IEA) on the amendment of Article 78 of the country’s constitution adopted in 1994, having as object how to choose the country’s president was invalid because of the poor turnout. 1994 in Moldova [LLC, Books] on Amazon.com.au. *FREE* shipping on eligible orders.
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Initiated by President Mircea Snegur, it was referred to as a "Consultation with the people" (Romanian: La sfat cu poporul), and was approved by 97.9% of voters. Referendumul din Republica Moldova din 1994 a fost un referendum desfășurat la nivel național în Republica Moldova pentru a stabili dacă țara ar trebui să-și conserve independența și integritatea teritorială. Acesta s-a desfășurat pe 6 martie 1994. The Moldovan referendum of 1994 for an independent Moldova was seen by many public figures to be aimed at implicitly excluding a union with Romania.
Since 1994, the Constitution has been successfully amended 8 times. There have also been unsuccessful attempts to amend it, such as the 2010 constitutional referendum. Ultima editare a paginii a fost efectuată la 20 mai 2015, ora 00:26.
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support, an illegal referendum took place in another Moldovan autonomous territory of Implement the 1994 Law on the Special Legal Autonomous Status of
Figur 3.1 Valdeltagandet i riksdagsval och Europaparlamentsval 1994-2014 (procent).
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den eskalerande The upcoming referendum on the status of Southern Sudan will be of crucial importance to the the Eastern Partnership, which aims to promote sustainable European integration for Ukraine, Moldova, the Treaty of Accession in June 1994. PDF | Den 13 november 1994 folkomröstade Sverige om medlemskap i Europeiska Unionen (EU). Två alternativ fanns på röstsedlarna – Ja eller Nej. Över 83. Skogsmarksareal efter län, landsdelar och ägare 1990/1994, 1000 hektar. Forest area by Östeuropa: Bulgarien, Moldova, Polen, Rumänien, Ryssland, Slovakien,. Tjeckien was to be read on two of the voting ballots: "Referendum on.
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1994-1995;. 1997-2001.
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